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What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing works on the belief that vital energy flows through the human body and if this energy is blocked or unbalanced it can cause problems, physically, emotionally and/or mentally. Energy healing uses a variety of healing modalities, for example, Reiki, Tapping, Crystal Healing, Acupuncture.

There is a driving force behind all these energies which is known as Universal energy… Life-force, prana, Chi, etc. The ONLY difference between all these energies is the vibration at which it travels (frequency).

"Everything in life is vibration.

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
Albert Einstein

Holistic Healing Services

Face to face appointments are available near Newcastle Airport or, alternatively, some can also be received remotely.
I offer the following types of energy healing.

Coming soon…

Colour Analysis

This is the ultimate confidence boost! It is also a fun thing to have done.

Colour Analysis is the art of knowing which tones of colour best flatter you, taking into account your skin, hair, eyes and personality. Using natural light and the natural you, different colours are systematically draped next to your face. This combined with a Psychological assessment of your personality and one or two other methods will reveal the best colours for you. Identifying your ‘wow’ colours and the colours you should avoid because they put dark circles under your eyes or, make you look ill. Colours can also impact on how you feel, your moods and emotions and even how others perceive us.

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